In addition to our kitchens, allmilmö offers you high quality decorative handles and knobs made of zinc, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials.
Bow handle/gloss chrome/160 mm
Bow handle/chrome matt/160 mm
Bow handle/stainless steel finish/128 mm
Bow handle/stainless steel finish/192 mm
Rail handle, without projection/stainless steel/150 mm
Bow handle, angular/black iron/160 mm
Bow handle, angular/black copper/160 mm
Bow handle, angular/stainless steel/192 mm
Wave angular handle/stainless steel color/145 mm
Double bow handle/stainless steel color/160 mm
Double bow handle/stainless steel color/32 mm
Bow handle, angular/stainless steel color/192 mm
Bow handle, angular/stainless steel color/160 mm
Bow handle/stainless steel/192 mm
Bow handle, angular/black, alu/160 mm
Bow handle/antique tin/96 mm
Knob/antique tin/16 mm
Shell handle/antique tin
Bow handle/antique tin/96 mm
Knob/antique tin
Knob/chrome gloss, white
Bow handle/metal with dark brown patina/192 mm
stainless steel color/stainless steel color/32 mm
stainless steel color/white/32 mm
Rail handle, without projection/stainless steel color/width dependent
Handle strip/aluminium stainless steel color/width dependent
Handle strip/aluminium stainless steel color/width dependent
Angular handle/stainless steel color/32 mm
Shell handle/stainless steel color/64 mm
Bow handle, angular/stainless steel color/192 mm
PM handle strip anodized aluminium (variable dimensions)
The handle strip can also be supplied powder-coated according to the RAL chart (K1) for an additional charge